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MPCA’s Brad Krevoy On His Mentor, Roger Corman

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Roger Corman Took A Fast And Furious Route To Hollywood Success

Roger Corman has always enjoyed giving his audience a good scare. And like the engineer he was trained to be, the meticulous Corman doesn’t leave that or anything to chance in his business.

He’s the legendary, prolific, trailblazing independent film producer and director who has made an art and science of turning out medium-to-low-budget movies fast, and for big profits.

While Corman’s films have covered numerous genres, he might be most famous for horror films like the 1960 cult-classic “The Little Shop of Horrors” — starring a little-known Jack Nicholson and shot in 2-1/2 days.

Brad Krevoy, a producer whose credits include “Dumb and Dumber” and who’s the founder/CEO of the Motion Picture Corporation of America, said of his former mentor:

“Roger is an engineer by training. His mind thinks like an engineer, so it goes toward the idea of efficiency, and that combined with his creative vision.”

Krevoy says he learned from Corman to allow a talented creative person to do their best without interfering, “being supportive rather than a hindrance.”

“Roger knew all aspects of his profession, from development to the actual filmmaking, to postproduction and marketing,” Krevoy said. “That really set him apart.”

Read more by Michael Mink on Investor’s Business Daily