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MPCA’s Brad Krevoy Elected to the IFTA’s Board of Directors

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The Independent Film & Television Alliance, an international trade association representing more than 135 companies in 23 countries, elected four vice-chairs at its annual membership meetings today in Los Angeles and London.

independent-film-television-alliance-logoElected to the IFTA’s board of directors: Camela Galano (Relativity Media), Brad Krevoy (Motion Picture Corporation of America), Shaked Berenson (Epic Pictures Group), Tamara Birkemoe (Foresight Unlimited), Jody Cipriano (CineTel Films), Alexandra Cocean (Voltage Pictures), Albert Lee (Emperor Motion Pictures), Nat McCormick(The Exchange), Michael Rothstein (IM Global) and Alison Thompson (Cornerstone Films).

Read more by David Robb on Deadline